45 Best Facebook Groups For Bloggers - Hookycrash

As a blogger, we always feel helpless and supportless most of the time when we get into silly troubles

This happens just because we are not surrounded by the peoples who are a blogger 

So the first thing we need to fix is to surround ourselves with the blogger community and the simplest way to do this is to join some best Facebook groups for blogger

Another small trouble here, how do you know which type of blogging Facebook groups will help you?

While joining any blogging Facebook groups you need to keep these things in your mind

  • It should be helpful

  • Problem solver

  • And the most important thing is you can promote your blog post in it

Problem-solving or helping  blog Facebook groups you can find easily but to find the Facebook group where you can promote your blog post as well is very tough 

So I have comprehensively covered 45 Facebook groups for blogger where you can perform all the blog related activity except spammy

All the Facebook group which I have mentioned here are arranging according to the member activity and responsiveness 

45 facebook groups for blogger

Share your blog posts

About this group - Public blogging Facebook group with 35.8k members 

All the blogging Facebook groups which I have mentioned in this blog post are personally tried and tested by myself just to give you the correct and valuable piece of content

According to my personal opinion, this is the best Facebook group for the blogger I found because in this groups all the members are almost active every time 

Here you can also get your queries solved as well as you can also promote your blog post here so you can also get free social media traffic from here 

Most of the blogging Facebook groups which I have mentioned in this blog post are all allows user to promote their blog post in their group.

 Blogging Network

About this group - Public blogging Facebook group with 39.5k  members

This group is also my second best Facebook group where I promote my blog post and get a good amount of traffic as well 

Here you will find all types of blog posts and more activity responses to your blog post and your queries also get solved quickly in these groups



Bloggers India 

About group - Public Facebook group for blogger with 41.7k members

As the name suggests these blogging Facebook groups are more dominated by Indian blogger
As nowadays more of the Hindi blogging industry is also growing and providing more opportunities as well so these group helps you to promote your blog post and also it is not just limited with Indian blogging industry this Facebook group also allow other languages blog post as well


Free Guest Post Sites Blogging 

About groups - Public group with 14.5k members in it

As the name suggests this Facebook group are for that blogger who are struggling to get backlinks for their blog or website

So this Facebook group promotes guest posting opportunities which will help you to find the best website to write a guest post and thus you can get good quality backlinks from their website.

Blog share 

About groups - Public group with 9.5k members in it

The name of the group suggests that this group is more for the people who want to get some free traffic from social media, so they can remove their blog post on this type of groups from where they can get initial traffic to their website or blog which will help them to grow their blog. 

So, the main intention of this Facebook group is to promote your blog post in the group and to get some initial traffic to your website.

Guest | Blog Post - Paid and Exchange

About groups - Public group with 42.9k members in it

Most of the time I use this Facebook group to get some guest posts to my site or if I want to write some guest to other blog sites

As a blogger, it will definitely help you to get some free backlinks for your website by writing some guest posts. 

And it depends on Creator to Creator. Some major charged you money and some will be free. 

And also, it will help you to get some high-quality backlinks to your website.

Blog Promotion Group

About groups - Public group with 21.3k members in it

This is another Facebook group for blog promotion. 

Here you just have to promote your website content or blog content. If people like your content then they will eventually visit your site. And thus you can increase your blog post traffic by using this Facebook group


USA bloggers

About groups - Public group with 33.0k members in it

USA bloggers is a Facebook group of blogging where you can share your content. And you can also provide a valuable piece of advice or content related to digital marketing content, marketing, any type of digital marketing activities, 

But the benefit of this group is this Facebook group is more for those bloggers who want to get some traffic from the US audience. 

As this blogging Facebook group is more USA oriented so you will find more us traffic to your website if you promote your blog post in this Facebook group,

Blogging All-In-One | WordPress, SEO, Affiliate Marketing 

About groups - Public group with 33.7k members in it

This Facebook group is for all the bloggers who have a website in WordPress or even in Blogger or any other web hosting service they use. 

The main intention of this group is to promote digital marketing. So you will find all types of content related to WordPress SEO, affiliate marketing, content, marketing, Etc. 

So, this group will be very beneficial for you. If you want to learn something related to digital marketing,

Student Earning & Blogging 

About groups - Public group with 765 members in it

As you know, nowadays the digital marketing industry is growing widely. So all the students who want to make some money online or doing blogging, as a side hustle, this group is very perfect for them. Because in this group, The experienced people in blogging will give some great advice to the young people who are just started blogging as a career. 

So this Facebook group will be beneficial for all the new bloggers.

Blogging With Joy: Best Place to Learn Blogging For Beginners

About groups - Private group with 1.3k members in it

This blogging Facebook group is also for beginners who are just started blogging as a career. 

This is a private Facebook group. So the person who is owning the group is an expert blogger for the last couple of years, he will give his personal advice to all the newbies who want to establish blogging as a full-time career. 


And also, this group has lots of experts who will give tips to the new bloggers and share their personal experiences with them, related to SEO ranking and others queries related to the blog.



About groups - Public group with 906 members in it


This blogging Facebook group is more for those audiences who want to learn digital marketing. 


In this Facebook group, you are also allowed to promote your blog post. You just need to give a short summary of your blog post. What is inside that post and what that audience can get in this post. If you give all those summaries by promoting the blog post, people will visit your blog and usually, you will get traffic from here.



ASKBlogging - Learn How To GROW YOUR BLOG With Free SEO Expert


About groups - Private group with 829 members in it


Askblogging is a private blog-related Facebook group. So, the owner of this private group has three years of experience in blogging and SEO. So, if you have any query related to blogging SEO or any digital marketing stuff, you can put your queries in this blogging group, you will get a reply from his owner or any other experts who have expertise in that field will reply to you and you will get solution for your each and every problem. 

I have personally used this group while I have some queries related to some blogging stuff. So, I definitely recommend you try this group.



Nigerian SEO and Bloggers

About groups - Private group with 21.4k members in it


This blogging Facebook group is from Nigeria, so the more focused audience you will get from Nigerian bloggers. 


So if you promote your blog in this Nigerian group, you will get direct traffic from that place. 


And also in this group, you will also get a solution for your query related to SEO and blogging.



Bloggers Cafe - Blogging Community


About groups - Private group with 19.8k members in it


This private Facebook group for bloggers provide informational, content related to WordPress blogger guest, posting or SEO, related queries. 

And also provides paid service if you want. 

This group is best if you want to learn something related to SEO Industries.





About groups - Public group with 20.4k members in it

Blogger is also in public Facebook group. 

Where you can post your queries and you will get solutions from the member of the group. 

And also you can promote your blog post in this group so to get initial traffic to your website.


Blogging Lift - Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing & Digital Marketing


About groups - Private group with 45.8k members in it


In this group, you'll get tips & tricks related to Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing, and WordPress.

So, must join this group to take your blog to the next level



Bloggers Connect


About groups - Private group with 16.3k members in it


This group is created as a channel for Bloggers all around the world to meet, connect and share ideas that would help each of them to become successful and make a living through their blog.



Blogging Cage VIP - Learn Blogging and Affiliate Marketing


About groups - Private group with 34.8k members in it


Here you can connect with many fellow bloggers and discuss your problems with them.

The prime motto of this group is to deliver value in society by solving blogging-related issues and helping everyone to walk in the right direction.

From time to time we will keep sharing some of the best articles in the industry which are going to help you to sharpen your blogging and make money online skills.



Blogging And SEO Tips

About groups - Public group with 10.4k members in it


This blogging group has enough members to get traffic to your blog or website and your queries also get solved in this Facebook group



Bloggers India | Bloggers Help Community


About groups - Private group with 13.9k  members in it

This blogging Facebook group is an Indian blogging community group, where most of the people are from India. 


And this Facebook group, expect more content related to blogging SEO, and digital marketing. 


So if you have your content is related to these niches, you can definitely post your blog post content in it and thus you can get traffic from here and also it appreciates food, blogger, fashion, bloggers, and other types of blogs as well



Blogging Mafia


About groups - Private group with 11.1k members in it


This blogging Facebook group is more focused on SEO Industries and blogging niches. 


So it will be more beneficial for those who have their niche in digital marketing and the SEO industry. And it also accepts another field of blogging as well. If you promote your blog post in this Facebook group, then it will be a high chance of you getting more traffic to your website. If you have content related to digital marketing,



Free Guest Post Websites with High DA PA


About groups - Public group with 29.6k members in it


This is also another blogging, Facebook group related to guest posting. 

You just have to post your website link along with some information and if people are interested in riding guest posts for your blog or website, they will definitely contact you 

This Facebook groups. Acts as a middleman to connect you with the right people you want.


Indian Bloggers Community [IBC]


About groups - Private group with 13.3k members in it

This blogging Facebook group is more focused on Hindi blogging content. So if you have your content related to any niches in the Hindi language, then this group will be much more beneficial for you to promote your blog post and connect with more bloggers like you.


Guest Posting for SEO

About groups - Private group with 31.8k members in it


Also, another Facebook group of blogger to build backlinks through guest posting 



Bloggers Funda


About groups - Private group with 133.0k members in it

This group is about Blogging, Freelancing, Search Engine Optimization



Bloggers Desire - Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, & Digital Marketing


About groups - Private group with 9.3k members in it

This is an official Facebook group of The Bloggers Desire. here you can Learn the Advance strategy of Blogging, SEO, Affiliate marketing, Digital Marketing, WordPress, & Adsense.

We regularly post super valuable content in this group to make blogging easy for you.

If you are struggling in digital marketing, blogging, SEO, Affiliate marketing then must connect with us to boost your online growth.



StayMeOnline Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, SEO & Digital Marketing Group ✅


About groups - Private group with 3.4k members in it

This blogging group is very much essential to all the new bloggers who want to get started which their blogging careers 



Share your Blog post

About groups - Public group with 33.5k members in it

Share your recent blog posts, Give a summary of your posts.

Blogging, SEO, Tutorials, News and Income Related Blog posts are most and Sharable in other social networks also.



Blog promotion

About groups - Private group with 29.5k members in it

This private Facebook group help build our blog traffic most especially the newbies who recently join the blog and also for people who want to give up on their blog because of small or no traffic this blogging Facebook group will help them



Blogging - SEO, Affiliate Marketing & Digital Marketing

About groups - Private group with 7.4k members in it


Same like other groups for SEO and blogging and also all the stuff related to digital marketing 



Blogging and Promotion


About groups - Private group with 30.1k members in it

This group is for bloggers who want to get more visibility and engagement for their blogs. Put your blogs and get more exposure. Please do not submit any promotional links here, only submit your blog links, tips, and tricks, and social media links. If anyone finds spammy links then immediately removed them from this group



Blogging Cosmos - The world of world class Bloggers


About groups - Private group with 1.4k members in it

Blogging cosmos is a Facebook group for all inspiring bloggers. If you want to grow your blog, you can join our community of world-class bloggers.



SEO Monsters


About groups - Private group with 12.8k members in it


These blogging Facebook groups are only for those who want to solve their questions and queries related to blogging and SEO because here you are not allowed to post your website link in it 


The intention of this Facebook group is to spread knowledge to each other



Blogging Rich - Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing & Digital Marketing

About groups - Private group with 7.6k members in it

In this group, you will get tips and tricks related to Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, and more



Guest Blogging


About groups - Public group with 12.7k members in it

This group's purpose is to share opportunities to guest blog (i.e., listing blogs where FREE guest posts are available) and to share knowledge about blogging and creating your own blog. 



Blogging Ask- Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, and more......


About groups - Public group with 1.7k members in it


In this VIP Group, you can ask your blogging-related QNA. We will share the best working tips and tricks related to blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Youtube, and more.



Free Guest Posting

About groups - Public group with 29.0k members in it

This blogging Facebook group consisting of all the people who can exchange free backlinks and exchange free guest posts as well



Blogging SEO Content guest posting


About groups - Private group with 76.0k members in it

It is a place where you can share your website link, your blogging experience, Seo tips and tricks, and request for guest posting.



Blogging Adda — Blogging, SEO, Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing

About groups - Private group with 10.8k members in it

Blog About Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing & Google Adsense Tips.

In this group, you get some different & easy methods Of Blogging.




About groups - Public group with 11.8k members in it

In this blogging Facebook group, you are invited to post links to your blogs, questions, discussions and create any event related to IndiBloggers.



Blogging Try - Blogging, SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing


About groups - Private group with 1.8k members in it

Here you will find Blogging, SEO, affiliate marketing, Digital Marketing, and many more things which are going to help in establishing a Successful & Profitable Blog.



Guest Posting, Link Exchange and PBN Service


About groups - Public group with 27.1k  members in it


This blogging Facebook group is more focused on backlinks guest posting and exchanging links with other bloggers. 


So you will find this blog, very beneficial if you are just starting off with the blogging and you want to make some backlinks for your website or blog This Facebook group will be very beneficial for you to get high-quality backlinks for your website

Get Traffic to your site by exchanging links and increase your site's SEO score to the search engines by guest posting



SIMPLEFACTSONLINE -Digital Marketing, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing &SEO


About groups - Private group with 9.5k members in it

This is also another blocking-related Facebook group. Where you can learn related to SEO, social media, marketing, content, marketing extra, As this is a private group. So you can expect more valuable content from their High Authority peoples like the expert in that field. You can also expect any. Highly skilled or experienced advice from the great people of that niches.



BloggingMaster - Blogging , SEO , Affiliate Marketing and Digital Marketing


About groups - Private group with 460  members in it


Almost, all the blogging Facebook groups which I have mentioned in this blog post are related to blogging digital marketing, SEO, extra. So it is better. You join some of this blog. 


So it is better to join some of these Facebook groups to know, or learn something related to SEO, destroy marketing, and blogging, which will ultimately improve your skills in blogging.