11 Social Media Marketing Challenges with its Solution - Hookycrash

Still, peoples are confused about social media marketing challenges and finding the ways to solve it

If you have visited this blog post that means either you want to start social media marketing or you are already into social media and wait for proper guidance to market your business or brand online.

But before I want you to know this interesting fact about social media so that you can understand the importance of social media marketing.

Social Media Marketing is the Second biggest market within Digital Marketing and the expected revenue generation for social media marketing is 138.4 billion in 2025

A couple of years ago when I had no clue about social media that time I used things about social media as just a timepass platform but when I actually started researching and started practicing digital marketing there I got to know that social media marketing thing also exists on this planet.

Then I got attracted to this social media stuff and I started practicing it

But what I found is that social media marketing is not as easy as it sounds and at the same time not hard as well. People are just making it complicated on the web.

After practicing for about a couple of years I have come up with these social media marketing challenges and difficulty that I have faced and every new one faces it 

Just to save your couple of years, I have comprehensively covered everything that you need to know, in this one blog post and also a solution for your problems

If you have already spent just a few months on social media as a creator then you can relate to these challenges.

So let’s start with the 11 social media challenges with their solution 

Challenge #1 - Lack of knowledge about platforms

Challenge #2 - Ultimate goal from social media marketing

Challenge #3 - No proper strategy to execute

Challenge #4 - Choosing the wrong platforms for your brand

Challenge #5- Inconsistent in providing content

Challenge #6-  Not engaging with your audience and clients properly

Challenge #7- Experimenting with your content

Challenge #8- Missing out on what your audience is looking for

Challenge #9- Fail to utilize new trend

Challenge #10 - Expecting high return from any platforms

Challenge #11 - Poor sales funneling and approach

Lack Of Knowledge About Platforms

Challenges -  When you start off with social media platforms the first challenge you face is a lack of information about that social media platform.

This challenge is the crucial part of any platforms because if you don't have proper knowledge about it then your activity on that platforms can violate the community guideline which may end up getting your account suspended

And improper knowledge will lead to slow and unstable growth of your brand thus you may lose interest in social media marketing at last.

Solutions - So to avoid this problem the first thing you need to do is to properly aware of their community guideline

Here are the few top-performing social media platform community guideline page - 

And after you need to do a bit of research about that platform so you can always stay on the positive side towards your growth.

Here are the things you need to do research about

  • How to optimize profile properly?
  • How to increase the reach of your account?
  • How much content to post to get maximum reach?
  • How my __________ business will benefit from these social media platforms?

You can do research on whatever questions you want but,

These are some of the basic questions of mine, which I do research about to have a proper overview about that social media platforms

The Ultimate Goal From Social Media Marketing

Challenges - When I started my new business social media account to build my social media brand, I met many digital friends on social media, and randomly when we were having a conversation then I figured out that most of my friends are social media marketing without a real purpose or any long term vision.

If you have no vision about your brand or business then you will not have proper direction or guideline to follow which will negatively affect your business or brand 

Solutions -  So the best practice you can do is to create a goals list which you want to achieve in future 

One thing you need to keep in mind while making a goal list is to keep it realistic 

For eg - Your goals should be based upon your side not dependent on anything

Do’s - To put successfully 200+ valuable piece of content

Don'ts - To get 5000+ followers in my first year of social media marketing

These type of daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly goals will help your business to grow faster as possible

No Proper Strategy To Execute

Challenges - If you are thinking that you will randomly post valuable pieces of content to your audience and it will go viral and thus you will get more reach to your social media handles without putting much effort into strategy? 

It will not work in this competitive social world!!! 

Everyone thinks (including me when I just started) that only valuable piece of content matter in social media and we tend to neglect the strategy part

Solutions -  Having a proper strategy will always keep you in a positive state of mind and help you in enhancing productivity at your maximum level 

Here is how I make my strategy and be more productive in social media marketing!! (my personal way of making social media strategy for a week)

  • Sunday - Planning content for a week (only topics) and spend time with family and friends (just about 30-40 min)

  • Monday - Do content research in dept for social media posts (1 - 1½ hr)

  • Tuesday - Do content research in dept for social media posts (1 - 1½ hr)

  • Wednesday - Create contents for social media (1 - 2 hrs)

  • Thursday - Create contents for social media (1 - 2 hrs)

  • Friday - Create contents for social media (1 - 2hrs)

  • Saturday -  Schedule all the content till next Saturday (1 - 2 hrs) 

( I am a blogger so I do social media marketing as a part-time brand building so that’s why I made this strategy very easy to apply, just 1 to 2 hrs a day which I think more of we can afford )

Choosing The Wrong Platforms For Your Brand

Challenges - Every social media platforms has its own viral content types 

For eg - memes content are more suitable for Instagram not for LinkedIn 

People are always put more and more efforts into any social media platform without knowing whether that social media is for their content or brand type or not

Solutions - So the best suggestion I can give for this challenge, is to try multiple social media platforms 

Try to spread or put content on all the best social media networks and just give a try on it.

Give a try for the first 3 to 4 months, after this time period you will automatically be able to figure out the best suitable platforms for your brand and content types.

In my case- Pinterest is a more suitable platform for my content types that is digital marketing, so I try spending more of my time on Pinterest and push my content more on this platform and reduce my spending time on other social media platforms

Inconsistent In Providing Content

Challenges - All new players start their social media marketing journey with full motivation and push their social media handles too much at the beginning with excitement 

But, after a few days or week their productivity chart starts falling down and excitement starts reducing 

This happens with everyone who wants to grow on social-media seriously

Solutions - The best practice you can do to avoid this challenge is to plan strategy as I mentioned in the previous point.

And start following some great peoples of your niche so as to stay updated and excited always by consuming their content 

The things which I have mentioned that doesn't work in case of extreme situations (which I always face) 

So, in that case, you can take a small break or add a break day to your full week plan.

I always feel unmotivated and stressed after continuously doing work, so I take a 1 to 2 days break from my work and start spending time with my friends and family. Which really makes me feel refreshed and energetic, thus I can kick start my new day with a full boost and motivated

Not Engaging With Your Audience And Clients Properly

Challenges - The biggest problem or challenge in social media marketing is of reach. No matter what strategy and how quality content you provide still sometimes our content reach is low

Why does this happen? 

The main root cause of this challenge is not proper engagement

Solutions - Every social media platform works differently and their algorithm as well.

Sometimes you might have seen that, no matter how many people you follow, your social media feed is always flooded with people you like and comment on their posts.

The best way to engage with your audience is to ask questions (?)

The more you ask to question the more they tend to engage with your post, by continuously repeating this process, with replying to comment and DM as fast as possible will help you to get more reach 

Because now social media algorithm will feel like there are your friends or audience thus your post will visible to all of them who engage with your content

Experimenting With Your Content

Challenges - Execution same type of content regularly will make your audience or followers feel boring and slow your engagement rate with your content starts reducing 

Although have a similar pattern of content execution will create your brand and people will get bored of it after few times 

So how to maintain your engagement rate in a positive route

Solutions - Best way to maintain your content engagement rate is by showing your effort and creativity to make that content 


Let's have a look at this example --

Social media marketing

And the best person I prefer to watch the content I of Garyvee because he really impresses with his content creativity and consistency iiii

Missing Out On What People Are Looking For

Challenges - Sometimes you post some content thinking that content will help your followers but what if they are not in need of that content? 

Possible right!! 

In this case, your content quality doesn't really matter 

For example - If people are facing hair fall problem and you have made content on pimples 

No matter what is your content quality is, people will not engage with your content 

But, how do you know what people are searching for? 

Solutions - In this case, you use some free tools to know what people are actually searching for, thus you can effectively market your content on social media 

• AnswerThePublic 

• Ubersuggest chrome extension 

• Keywords Everywhere


These are some of the FREE tools which I use to do content and keyword research

Fail to utilize new trend

Whenever any Trend goes viral on social media. As a social media marketer, it's our job to use that Trend to make our content viral as well or to get higher reach from social media by utilizing those trends. 

You know, why do most social media marketers get stuck? 

Because they fail to utilize the trend because they feel they are not comfortable with the new trends and don’t see those things as an opportunity. 

As a social media marketer, nothing is your type and nothing is not your type. You just have to be versatile as you can. 

For example 

As you know, Instagram has released its new reel features. So as a social media marketer We should utilize the reels reach to make our content more reachable and more viral. 

Because Instagram reals are working as a tik-tok app. 

And also Instagram reels have more than enough reach on reels as compared to the post reach or video reach. 

So try to utilize all the opportunities or Trend as much as you can so that you don't be regret in future about it

Expecting high return from any platforms

Challenges - As a newbie in social media our organic reach in the first few days tends to be high because social media algorithms want us to stick with their platform. So that's why they make our social media reach much higher in the starting few days. 

So after a couple of weeks or months, our reach gets down and sometimes it goes up in negative. 

We get demotivated from it And you know why this happens? 

Solutions - This is because we started expecting High returns from the social media platforms. That's why we get disappointed from it and ultimately sometimes we end up stopping usage of that social media platform at all or reduce the marketing activity in the platform. 

After spending a couple of years on social media marketing. 

I finally got to the conclusion that expecting anything from social media will always end up in disappointment. So it's better not to have any expectations from social media platforms. Just give you a hundred percent and wait and see what is happening or try to improve yourself as much as you can but do not expect anything

Poor sales funneling and approach

One thing that I noticed in most of the social media platforms is when they are just starting their account, they start actually selling their product or services at much higher prices. Which will negatively impact their brand because as a new brand no one wants to buy any stuff, which is highly priced, at least at the beginning. 

Once you build your brand, then you can set up any price range you want. But as a beginner mostly you need to focus on Free services to your followers by providing valuable content for them just to build up brand awareness about your service or product

Conclusion - 

All the social media marketing challenges mentioned above, are not to distract you, rather all of these challenges will make you a better marketer day by day

It is totally up to you how you handle those problems and become the best version of yourself

If you have any queries related to SEO and Social media, feel free to comment below

Have a nice marketing journey!!!